About Project
Project's Aim
We aim to raise youth worker’s key competences, skills, knowledge and experiences on Non formal Education. We would like to analyze better and wider perspective role and applications of Non Formal Education in different EU countries.
Projects's Objectives
• To improve the qualification of youth workers with non-formal education
• To develop youth workers’ creativity and innovation skills on youth field
• To fight against the growing consuming approaches towards young people in the non-formal education field.
• To increase and promote use of non-formal education in youth works
• To understand the principles of program building and Non formal education within Erasmus+
• To analyze the role and applications of Non Formal Education in different EU countries
• To discover and debate the European strategy of Non Formal Education
• To explore meanings, roles and complementarities of different educational approaches and methods (formal, non-formal, informal)
• To share experiences of good practice in promoting international youth work and intercultural competence within youth works education
• To map and analyse approaches to education of youth workers
• To facilitate reflection on quality in youth works education and key competences
Non-Formal Education
consists in a gathering of educational practices which are not included in the formal
system of education. This branch of education promotes non-formal learning.
As one author says: „ According
to my dictionary (Webster’s, 1988) “non-” is a prefix which means “not: absence
of; reverse of”… in other words the “opposite of’ something. But nonformal
education is not the opposite of formal education. In many ways they are
similar or overlap.
NFE is a methodology, which
translates in carefully adjusted to the participants and structured practices
(although the activities are seldom associated to conventional rhythms or
curriculum subjects) which foster the personal, social and professional
development of people, on a voluntary basis; whereas informal learning is
related to what one can learn during daily life activities (work, family,
leisure, etc.) being considered learning by doing. Informal and non-formal
learning can empower youngsters in important conceptions, as social inclusion,
anti-discrimination and active citizenship, as well as contributing to their
personal growth.
Moreover, NFE can be seen as an
educational approach which may act in a complementary way with the formal
educational system. By many authors non-formal education is seen as the “ideal’ form of education, far better in all respects than formal education. By others however it came to be seen as a sub-system of education, certainly not superior and by some as considerably inferior as formal schooling. By some non- formal education could be described as a temporary “necessary evil in situation of crisis until formal schooling could be restored. Let’s look at the basic definitions of different kinds of education.
The learning activities within
NFE are created to attend the young people’s needs, aspirations and interests,
on a voluntary basis and learner-centered. The methods used in NFE are very
diverse and are mainly based on creating healthy environments of trust and sharing
experiences. This type of education provides added value for young people, for
the economy and society in terms of capacity-building of organizations, systems
and institutions.
This education takes place in a
diverse range of environments and address specific target groups and subjects,
facilitating the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. Non-formal education is any organised educational activity outside the established formal system - whether operating separately or as an important feature of some broader activity - that is intended to serve identifiable learning clienteles and learning objectives.
Non-formal education became part of the international discourse on education policy in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It can be seen as related to the concepts of recurrent and lifelong learning. Tight (1996: 68) suggests that whereas the latter concepts have to do with the extension of education and learning throughout life, non-formal education is about ‘acknowledging the importance of education, learning and training which takes place outside recognized educational institutions’. Fordham (1993) suggests that in the 1970s, four characteristics came be associated with non-formal education:
- Relevance to the needs of disadvantaged groups.
- Concern with specific categories of person.
- A focus on clearly defined purposes.
- Flexibility in organization and methods.
is hierarchically structured, chronologically graded 'education system', running from primary school through the university and including, in addition to general academic studies, a variety of specialised programmes and institutions for full-time technical and professional training.
Informal education
the truly lifelong process whereby every individual acquires attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educative influences and resources in his or her environment - from family and neighb
the truly lifelong process whereby every individual acquires attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educative influences and resources in his or her environment - from family and neighb